Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Surf Forecast December 2 Tamarindo

Even though the surf forecasts don't show it, waves have been pretty decent on many of the local beaches. The best places have been in front of the Diria and river mouth. Playa Grande has been good, but super busy and other favorites like Avellanas have had a lot of beginners on the mains breaks.

According to, a sizable system in the SW Pacific off the coast of New Zealand recently has kicked up a surfable swell for the end of next weekend into the week.  The angle on the swell looks like it will be around 220-221 degrees filling in with 18-second periods Sunday and Monday. 

Paddle boarders have been an issue lately, and have been really pissing people off here. If you are a paddle boarder please remember:

a) Because you can take every wave, you shouldn't. There is a thing called a line up. That means if you are last to the break, you need to wait until everyone else has either taken a wave or bowed out.

b) If you cannot control your board, then you have no right being on the water. yesterday I was on a wave and a Paddle Boarder jumped in front of me. His excuse was that he found it difficult to back off the wave. NO Excuse! He shouldn't have been on my wave in the first place.

c) Stay of breaks that are dominated by short boarders and beginners. Since you can paddle, go to remote breaks where you won't be a danger to other people.

Anyways, 'nuff said on that topic.

See you out on the surf and remember, "Surfing Comes First"

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